FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is the best approach to this programme?

A: It is recommended that you follow the order of the modules and sections as laid out, especially if this is your first experience of of the programme. However, the programme has been designed so that you can work on multiple modules and sections simultaneously.


Q: Which module is the ideal place to start this programme?

A: Start with establishing the foundation for making decisions and choices – your values. Clarifying what’s really important to you provides a strong basis for the rest of your Personal Strategy Map.


Q: Why can’t I type directly into the programme modules and sections?

A: You will find downloadable templates – which you can add to – on the exercise pages and also in the Materials tab at the top of the relevant section or module. You’ll also find all of the available programme templates in the Downloadable Templates section under Personal Strategy Materials.


Q: Why is the 3-6-9-12 Month Plan duplicated in some modules?

A: Your intentions that you create in your Personal Strategy Map are developed into actionable plans in the 3-6-9-12 Month Plan for each pillar – Self, Relationships and Work and Contribution. Hence the modules for each pillar contain a section to define your priorities and plan them across the year.


Q: What’s the difference between a Strategy Plan and a 3-6-9-12 Month Plan?

A:  Your Strategy Map is about your Intentions; the 3-6-9-12 Month Plan is about where you will put your Attention.


Q: What’s the difference between aspiration and vision?

A: Aspiration is about who you want to be or become and your legacy.Your vision describes where you want to get to within a defined time frame on your journey towards your aspiration. If aspiration is about being, vision is about doing.


Q: What if I have more than three priorities in one pillar?

A: Strategy is as much about what you don’t do, as it is about what you will do. The strategy is in the choices and the prioritisation, so we don’t give you an option to have more than three priorities-otherwise they are not priorities! If you have many statements, it is likely that they are too small and not strategic enough and could even be actions. A good technique to uplift your statements of intent into the strategic if they are somewhat action-orientated, is to ask yourself-why is this important? What do I want to achieve from it?


Q: What if I have less than three priorities in one pillar?

A: On the occasions where you have one very significant priority in your pillar that will take up all your investment, it is perfectly reasonable to have just that one priority identified.


Q: What if my priority is an action? How do I make my priority less of an action and more strategic?

A: Our tendency is to jump to actions without establishing what we are trying to achieve and if we are not clear on what we are trying to achieve, how do we know that the action is the right one?  Each module contains a number of exercises and examples designed to help you define your priorities as a series of objective statements – what you want to achieve – versus a list of actions.


Q: What if I’m finding it difficult to put any substance to the definition?

A: It’s possible that the priority that you have identified is too superficial or is a short-term action. Try:

  • lifting the intention statement to be more strategic and consider what having this would mean to you in your life and what the absence of this would mean to you;
  • considering the shift that you need to make to get from where you are today to where you want to get to and describe the change.

If there is no change and or still no substance you can define, I would recommend rethinking your priority statement.


Q: What if I’m not currently employed by an organisation?

A: This gives you the opportunity to consider and describe how you want to contribute and what sort of organisation you want to contribute to.


For any questions not answered here please contact info@strategytogether.com