Intentions Exercise

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Exercise: Gratitude

By practising gratitude, we become greater participants in our lives rather than spectators, gratitude becomes a way of acting intentionally and it’s powerful.

“Gratitude is an emotion that reflects our deep appreciation for what we value, what brings meaning to our lives, and what makes us feel connected to ourselves and others.” Brené Brown 8

Take three deep breaths to relax.

  • What are you grateful for in your life, and where would you be without them?
  • Appreciate yourself for all that you are, not all that you’re not. List your strengths, your assets (e.g. intelligence, experience, education, privilege), your potential, your environment, your activities and hobbies that make you happy
  • Acknowledge the people and communities in your life that support and nourish you, bring joy, love, affection, and mutual benefit. Where would you be without them?
  • How do you value and how are you valued by those that you contribute to, whether at work or serving in the community?

Today I am grateful for…

Build this practice into your daily habits and use it whenever you are working on your Personal Strategy to ensure you approach the work with a mindset of abundance.