
Bibliography – Introduction and Overview Module

1 – Oliver Wendell Holmes Snr

2 – BrenĂ© Brown – Atlas of the Heart (2021) (page. 97)

3 – C.R. Snyder – Handbook of Hope: Theory, Measures and Applications (2000)

4 – Jane Adams – More College Students Seem to be Majoring in Perfectionism, New York Times (18 Jan 2018)

5 – Liz Fosslien and Molly West Duffy – Big Feelings (2022)

6 – Thomas S. Greenspon – Moving Past Perfect (2012)

7 – Theodore Roosevelt –

8 – Research from Balanced Scorecard Collaborative (2001)

9 – Peter Drucker

10 – Daniel Kahneman – Thinking Fast and Slow (2011)

11 – Victoria Osteen

12 – J.K. Rowling – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (1998)

13 – Voltaire

14 – Truman Fisher

15 – Peter Wohlleben – The Secret Network of Nature (2017)

16 – C.S. Lewis